Monday, June 13, 2011

the start of something new

I have really wanted to do a blog for a long time.. And I’m not sure why I never did before! I have been learning so much about a lot of different things lately and I have been writing everything down in my prayer journal. If God is everything for us then part of "Him" is our Teacher. And just like any teacher, God loves to see and hear the progress that we make on the lessons that he teaches us, thats why I love to respond to his lessons by writing to him what I learned.

I was reading a book this past semester that I love, it was my second time reading it and I learned so much this second time around. But one idea that stuck with me was an idea about a characteristic of God. Since God is an omniscient God, he knows everything. Many people would argue that because he “knows it all” we don’t need to pray to him, or talk to him. But what struck me in the book was how God can relate to us. Although he IS an omniscient God, when we come to talk to him he can have limited omnisciency. This means that when we come to him with our thoughts and prayers it is like he is hearing it for the FIRST TIME. Although God is a powerful God, he doesn’t force his power on us, and I think it goes the same for the omnisciency part. God wants to relate to us, because it is so hard for us as humans to relate to an almighty and powerful God, he is powerful enough to come down to “our level” therefor “limiting” himself in a way that we can relate to. (As I am writing this I am finding out that it is hard to put this all in words! I hope I am writing it in a way that is easy to grasp.) But anyways, what I am really trying to say is that God loves to hear our stories, as if it is the first time he is hearing it. A quote that I just recently read on my friends blog sums it up perfectly, and it goes like this: “God made man because he loves stories.” (Elie Wiesel). 

When I write in my prayer journal all of my hearts cries and joys, I believe that God loves it! He desires for me to commune with him, and writing to him is one of my favorite ways. And when I write down a story, or a great day I had, or a request, my mindset is that I am coming to my heavenly Father who WANTS to hear my voice, even if it is on paper, and he isn’t bored with me. 

Just because I started this blog, doesn’t mean I will stop my prayer journal with God at all. But I think God wants me to share some of the things he teaches me with others too! A lot of people have been telling me lately how blessed and encouraged they are with my Facebook statuses, and usually those come from my prayer journal! I want to share more of my thoughts, and a blog is a perfect way :) I hope my blog blesses whoever takes the time to read it. And if it is just God who reads them, then that is enough for me. 

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